Today in our movement-wide daily devotions we read 2 Chronicles 20 where Jehosophat is facing an impossible situation and he prays, “Our God, we do not know what to do, but we look to you.” Jehosophat’s prayer is a beautiful encouragement; in acknowledging his insufficiency, Jehosophat looks to the Lord as his salvation.
We started construction this week on the Next Generation Discipleship Centre. We have experienced a miracle of provision that we were able to get the property, yet we continue to seek the Lord for provision to see this space become our home.
More significantly, we are preparing for a crucially important deployment to seven campuses this fall. The spiritual climate around campuses has dramatically shifted over the last two years.
So, I have been compelled to come before the Lord and acknowledge my own insufficiency, trusting his wisdom, love, and grace to call people to Himself. Yet, I do so full of expectancy – I know that He will fill this place with disciple-makers one day soon – even though we need over $600,000 to complete the work. I know that he will continue raising and sending people who love Him to reach students on campus. I am filled with expectancy that, as Jehosophat prayed, “You will hear and deliver.”
I want to encourage you, that the Lord loves His people and loves His church. We can look to Him with the expectancy that He will move. Maybe all you need to pray today is the prayer of Jehosophat. “Our God, we do not know what to do, but we look to you.”
I pray that the Lord is with you through whatever you are facing this week.