Power of Presence

Power of Presence

God has called us to be present on our university and college campuses so that students can be introduced to Jesus and be made fully alive in Him. The Next Generation Discipleship Centre to train, equip, & send disciple-makers to be present on campuses around the world.

To date, we have secured over $800,000 in financing! Praise God! 

Thank you to everyone who has sacrificially invested in the project. We could not do this without your faithful commitment to build God’s kingdom on university and college campuses. 

In order to move forward with the project, we need to raise a total of $1 Million. This undertaking will require the support of many, sacrificially giving as they are able.

What if you could help us get to the finish line?
Would you invest in presence?

Thank you for helping us see people made fully alive in the hope of Jesus on every campus!

Robin Wallar
