We are a network of Simple churches.
LIFT Church exists to see people made fully alive in the hope of Jesus by being the church on every campus. LIFT was started in 2006 at McMaster University with a vision to see students come to know Jesus. After seven years of fruitful ministry, the vision of LIFT grew to include a heart for all campuses and a desire to walk as a family of believers who make disciples. As a result, we are present on six campuses in Southern Ontario with faith that we will be on ten campuses by the end of 2026.
We believe in God; who is love and is the creator and sustainer of all things. He exists in perfect harmony as three persons-in-one (we call it the Trinity). The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: a perfect, loving, and glorious relationship. Distinct among his creation, God made…
We believe that we were created for relationship with God, to love and know him, each other, and ourselves. In our pursuit of this, we were meant to be creative and adventurous. However, we decided that we were better off, and we…
We believe that we have rejected relationship with God and as a result are separated from Him. As a result we have a broken relationship with each other and the world around us. This rejection of relationship with God is the root of what the Scriptures call sin, and within ourselves, there is no solution. Thankfully…
We believe that God immediately began a process of redemption to restore relationship with mankind. This was documented in what Christians call the Old Testament which still speaks to us today. God’s promise to restore relationship culminated in…
We believe Jesus is the complete, perfect and the only answer. As God Himself, Jesus lived roughly 2000 years ago revealing the character of God, dying so that we could be forgiven, and being resurrected to life forever conquering sin, death and the spiritual enemies of this world. Because of this…
We believe that to live in relationship with God, we need to first acknowledge our living apart from God, and then put faith in Jesus. When we do so we are forgiven of our sin, brought back into relationship with God, and are filled with the Holy Spirit. This is called the Gospel – the Good News. As a sign of our faith in Jesus we are baptized in water, publicly declaring that we now live for Jesus, helping others experience Him, and collectively becoming…
We believe that Church exists so that others could know the hope of Jesus. To help make this happen, Jesus gave supernatural ability to the Church as we carry out His mission. We will continue this mission until…
We believe that Jesus will return to bring final justice to creation. There will be a new heaven and earth where those that have put their faith in Jesus will enjoy Him forever, and those that have not will be forever separated from Him.
We believe the Bible teaches these things. It is accurate and authoritative in our lives. We read it often to better know God and walk in relationship with Him.
We are a family of disciples who are committed to following Jesus, loving each other and inviting others to know Jesus. Missionaires reach and disciple students, lead ministry teams and are an integral part of living life on mission as family at LIFT Church. Some missionaries work on the operations team of LIFT full time, while others are doctors, fire fighters, engineers, nurses, midwives, occupational therapists, teachers and more.
Senior Leadership Team

McMaster Missionaries
Simple Church Regional Directors

McMaster Missionaries

Operations Team
LIFT Church Board

McMaster Missionary

Brock Missionary

York Missionary

Guelph Missionary
We have a home base in Hamilton, Ontario that we call The Rubix. It is where we host church-wide events like prayer and worship nights and where our operations teams work. Anyone is welcome to come to the Rubix to study, work, hang out, play basketball or have a meeting! We love welcoming all of our campuses at the Rubix!